Monday, July 14, 2008

Troop 1106 Embedded Civilian Report

Day Three – July 9, 2008

Today is to be my last day here in camp, and while I really will miss it, I can’t help but smile at the thought of my own bed. We have had wonderful weather for the most part. It rained this morning lightly for about 30 minutes, but I have yet to need my poncho. That is a wonderful thing.

Unfortunately the whole process has yet to become seamless so we encourage the boys in their chores. Here is Kevin trying his best to clean the latrine without actually having to touch anything other than the handle of a toilet brush. Bro N. told him to be sure to flush when he was done….
We got a 40 yesterday on inspection so we are working on improving our score with some camp improvements. Here they carry a tree limb to add to our walkway. A “swing” was also added. While I’m not sure they will get any points for it, it kept many of them engaged for quite some time. Every one is fed and off to class again for the morning without any major events. On a Wednesday that is pretty successful in my mind.

As I prepare to leave I know that the boys are in good hands. This is the “big red box” being hauled back to camp. The box is filled with food stuffs from the boy’s tents each night and taken to a car to help us avoid visits from friendly woods critters and not so friendly woods critters.

Having checked the scores we note that our two day totals have us in about 2nd place in troop of the week. High score yesterday was a 42. With two 4th place finishes that gets us roughly into 2nd. They volunteer for shower clean as a service project. While it takes them a good portion of their lunch, they see it through. As my farewell gift to them I get lunch ready for them so that they can quickly eat and get off to classes. A final word with my boy and I’m back on the road to civilization. Thanks to the scouts for letting me join them this week. Thanks to all the leaders who took time off work to be there with them. Thanks to all the staff who despite the bad pay and long hours help the boys meet their requirements. I look forward to getting the report of the final 2 days and 3 nights.

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