Tuesday, October 28, 2008

End of an Era…

Just before I got married my mother called me and told me that a lady had been in to see her and was selling some furniture she had in her basement. For a price my wife remembers as $200 I bought a set of used furniture including a couch, loveseat, chair and ottoman. If you know me, and if you are reading this you either 1) know me, 2) are a very bored person, or 3) happened to type in some strange combination of words that sent you here, you will know of my propensity for frugality. Ok, I'm sort of cheap. I like to think of that in a good way, as in, I look for good deals and buy bargains. Others, would not be as charitable in their descriptions. So, bottom line is, it wasn't the nicest or prettiest furniture, but the price was right and at some point in the not too distant future we could replace it if we chose to do so. I have attached the picture of the furniture that I sent to my fiancé. I had described it to her has a "sort of tan corduroy" – and she still let me buy it. It must have been love…. After it was purchased I sent her these pictures.

Since that time that couch has been in tons of family photos as the main piece of furniture in our living room.
Here is one my daughter on it with her new baby brother.

On the arrival of #3 in our new apartment, the couch had a new look as did the chair thanks to my wonderful wife and her mad skills – there weren't even any pins I had to worry about….

After the arrival of #4 the couch returned to it's au natural state for a while…

But it was pretty short lived
and within a year it was covered in a new cover with a denim look… which, I might add, was once again hand done by my wife. She is amazing. At some point in this stretch, I assume due to the small size of our home and the condition due to being climbed on by 3 poor kids caged in a small apartment, the loveseat and ottoman were discarded.

Then here it is on the other side of the country enjoying life on the east coast.

So, having been from Idaho to Utar to West coast to the East coast the couch, I can assuredly say, has lived long beyond its expected useful life. But as Q told Picard – "I shall miss you, but all good things must come to an end…" (for you unwashed you can catch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIGxezrlj2I )

So we finally got the a new family room couch. It was my pick not that of my wife. Someday she will get the couch she wants in there, but for now she gets to tolerate my new couch. I love it for a number of reasons. It is blue. It has a recliner. It can fit my whole family at one time - this is no small feat considering that most cars on the market today don't even come close! As proof, here we are…. Let's see. If the new couch lasts as long as the first one I should be looking for a new couch in about 2036! Lest you fret, the couch that has been around longer than my marriage is in the basement now, still serving the family as the kids play video games…. It was still in way too good of shape to get rid of it, and it does seem like part of the family. And besides, the kids are still young enough that climbing out of it when you want to get up is still doable!!

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