Saturday, January 01, 2011

Merry Christmas 2010 and Happy New Year 2011

In the new greener world, and in the one current one in which I don't have unlimited resources to send glossy booklets to all my family and friends with our Christmas greeting, I provide an electronic version of our annual Christmas Card. And yes, those are footnotes. Deal with it.

. . Isle

Sung to the tune of Gilligan's Isle 2

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a grateful year
That started from Virginia
With a two thousand ten cheer. 3

Now Nate was a mighty middle school man,
6th grade is good for sure
Played football, soccer, basketball too
Sense of humor is so mature,

Jaclyn was a BYU Soph,
Summer working a restaurant,
admitted into the nursing school 4 -woohoo
rumored boyfriend she has got,5 (but not if you ask Scott.

Well Ty hit ground falling off of his
unstable bicycle
He broke his arm,6
was baptized too,
His dad still works for Deloitte,
Downtown DC
Coaches basketball in spare time
If that's what you can call it7

So this is the tale of Nanette's full days,
she serves everyone all the time
Ma on trek and a Den mother
uniformed she's fine!

Josh posted a song on youtube 8
We all think it's the best.
He worked at a pizzeria
And joined the Eagle's nest.

Jacob completed his eagle project
He's happy as can be
He played JV football 9
Is refereeing for a fee

So join us anytime my friends,
we welcome with a smile
From seven happy hammaways
Here on Virginia's soil!

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! Thank you for your friendship! And know that if we were going to be stranded on a desert isle, you would be second on our list of who to be stranded with, right behind the guy who can make about anything we need (other than a boat) from nothing more than coconuts! :D

1. Just a note about the picture at the top (the card): I was against the cross dressing and suggested two Mr. Howell's. I was outvoted (some things are still done democratically even in the Hamm household). Tyler was an extremely good sport in agreeing to play the role of Mrs. Howell.

2. With apologies to Sherwood Schwartz, the genius who brought us both Gilligan and the Brady Bunch, and who wrote the theme songs for both! I would proudly note that we own the complete collection of Gilligan's Island and my children have been indoctrinated although, they seem to prefer ALF.

3. My editor (Nanette) pointed out that while most of you probably got through the first verse, many might not be familiar with the full version of the song. To maybe help you along as you try to sing the above, I provide the full lyrics:
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, A tale of a fateful trip. That started from this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship.
The mate was a mighty sailing man, The skipper brave and sure. Five passengers set sail that day, For a three hour tour, a three hour tour.
The weather started getting rough, The tiny ship was tossed, If not for the courage of the fearless crew The minnow would be lost, the minnow would be lost.
The ship set ground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle, With Gilligan, The Skipper too, The millionaire and his wife, The movie star, The professor and Mary Ann, Here on Gilligan's Isle.
So this is the tale of the castways, They're here for a long, long time, They'll have to make the best of things, It's an uphill climb.
The first mate and the Skipper too, Will do their very best, To make the others comfortable, In the tropic island nest.
No phone, no lights no motor cars, Not a single luxury, Like Robinson Crusoe, As primitive as can be.
So join us here each week my friends, You're sure to get a smile, From seven stranded castaways, Here on "Gilligan's Isle."

4. We were very proud of Jaclyn and her hard work as this is one of, if not the, most selective program on campus! She clearly has her mother's brains!

5. We are prohibited from providing any additional information. (jk) But, if you want to know more, you will have to ask her. ;) ps - let us know what you hear. ;)
6. So, for those of you counting (and we are), we believe that is 4 broken arms in 5 summers. Of our boys, so far Nate is the only escapee (knock on wood). The picture here is of Ty on our summer vacation. We spent a week at Lake Almanor in Northern California with Nanette's entire family (not only lived to tell about it, quite enjoyed it). Ty didn't let his arm slow him down at all. He is seen here with is cast protector (listen, I know all about waterproof casts, but for a number of reasons, including Ty's being a compound fracture, waterproof wasn't available) (yes, I also know that they make cast covers - we had one, and well, it was a distant second to the old garbage bag and duct tape in terms of keeping the cast dry) getting ready to head out to the lake.
7. Whether the "if that's what you call it" references his coaching or his "spare time" we leave to you (hint - it is likely equally applicable)

8. The song is called "Help! I'm in love with a superstar." It is written and preformed my Josh. Just a warning, it is a catchy little tune and you might find you wake up one day with it running through your head if you listen to it...

9. varsity state champs!

10. If you have any cute 14-17 year old daughters who would like to get to know my two oldest boys, please text me at


carrie pearson said...

Kelsey saw the card and wanted to know when you were movin here.... any more on that?

shamm said...

carrie, we were thinking about it and then realized that with the end of the world coming just next year, it most likely wasn't worth the bother... ;)

Anonymous said...

cute newsletter and song! What a great family you have and a great Dad you are :-)

cjnichols said...

Very creative! It must be quite painful to read our Christmas card. You guys are great!