Saturday, July 02, 2011

Thursday, June 30, 2011
Same song, next verse….

It was a chilly night last night as my toes will confirm. There were a number of folks who awoke with comments about having a bit of a chill. Scoutmaster has prohibited fire in our camp due to its distracting influence on the youth getting things done they need to get done rather than “tending” to the fire (and by tending I mean finding anything that seems like a fuel source and throwing it into the fire – typically these are smoke producing items). I ask Tall Cedars Troop if I can enter their camp and I enjoy some warm conversation with our old ward mates…not to mention the warmth of their fire. I return to camp when the food arrives.

I think that many of you will hear tales of how the food was not as good as Mom’s (certainly true) and that it was terrible (generally not true), but I can confirm a few things – everyone ate almost every meal, and we had to develop a plan for seconds due to the fact that some folks (generally leaders) were not getting a chance to eat before the ravening masses consumed all the food. So, while they may have negative comments, their actions indicate either a willingness to eat whatever was placed before them, or that they may have, at least at some level, enjoyed the food!

The march to merit badges is continuing. Most of the boys are on track to get most of what they have signed up for but the push for the finish is still necessary.
A strange phenomenon has taken place as I watched as a number of the scouts were involved in a unicorn game which play time lasted well over an hour this afternoon. I am attaching a picture of 3 of the troop members in their “unicorn form.” Jacob Holtom actually made this his photography photo essay (yes, he was passed off on that requirement although I’ll withhold the comment made by his merit badge counselor). I guess it is good that they have such vivid imaginations, but I would be dishonest if I didn’t say it gave me at least a moment’s pause…

Justin and David engaged in a stick flick competition and fortunately no one had an eye put out so it turned out to just be fun and games (the origin of said game is a DEEPLY hidden secret so I’ll have to leave that to your imagination).

Dinner was….wait for it…. late. Of course. Which isn’t a big deal except that we had 4 members of the troop attempting the mile swim at 6:45. The food showed up at ~6:15. It was fajitas and quite tasty if I don’t say so myself. The 4 milers then took off for the water front 15minutes later – most still chewing. Fortunately, I can tell you that all four completed the swim – both of Brother Neuffer’s guests and the two Hamms. It was then time for flag ceremony. I typically enjoy flag, but one of the LDS folks decided to take “a moment” and, well, I guess his time is reckoned in Kolob, but nonetheless we headed back to camp.

Tall Cedars joined us for a “ceremony” for the milers (they had a Schmootz who had completed the mile) which I can only mention involved an oath and a container of Oreos. After our guests returned to their camp, David Mangum then presented the devotional which was led by Miles and Nate H. (communication merit badge requirement…check ).

We had our typical scoutmaster counseling sessions and unfortunately one scout was sick enough that his father came to pick him up (don't worry, he is fine). That required that his SM stay up to make the connection and his assistants stayed up to keep him company. It was an enjoyable conversation, but there will be some tired leaders tomorrow. Till then….

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