Monday, June 19, 2017

AP Encampment - day 1

Day One: Summit Sum it up – not much to see yet     
So we are once again heading into the wood. But in all my years doing this we have an unprecedented trip this year – all 3 quorums are heading out to the same camp – Bechtel Summit Reserve for an Aaronic Priesthood Encampment.  There are over 30 stakes worth of YM here this week – about 3,000 if my memory serves me correctly.  That is a lot – but in a few weeks for national jamboree they will have 10 times that many!  Good luck with that….

So we met that the leisurely time of 7:30am to head out.  We took the obligatory picture – we were missing at least 2 folks from the picture but think we managed to get most of the 33 YM who are accompanying us. 

We are one of the first cars to leave the lot.  I have my two sons and Logan, Hunter and Robert.  Before we reach Leesburg Evans pass us.  Before Round Hill two black pickups fly by at speeds that I assure the YM in my car simply can’t be reached with 6 us in the van (only one of them drives yet, so it went unquestioned).  The trip is generally uneventful as long as we can keep one from yelling too loudly (inside voices please).  As we pass the “West Virginia” sign we play “Country Roads” and I’m pretty sure most of them sang.  Just before we get to the restaurant (using that a little loosely as we are talking chick fil et there is a down pour!  Wipers are on high and we are moving at city speeds and you can barely make anything out.  Sure glad my gear is inside…  Fortunately the tarps over the trucks worked fairly well – depending on your perspective.  Some of your YM who slept on soggy pillows may have a different take on it!

We are passed by one or two more cars on our way down and so I figure we will be one of the last into Chick fli et but what I failed to realize is that by having a full tank of gas and not offering to stop for a potty break we manage to arrive ahead of most of the others who did not. 

We arrive in camp.  We are happily surprised as President Holtom is there to help us get checked in.  We each get a map, two patches and a shirt I believe was designed with the thought that if it was unattractive enough, then no one will be tempted to steal it.  Mission accomplished. 

When we were here 3 years ago we arrived, parked at C camp (very close to dinner and activities), tents were up and we simply moved in.  This year - not so fast my friends.  This year we are in the serve yourself camp – we have to stand in line to get tents we set up in the soggy grass.  These tents are not the big nice tents we had last time either.  They are nice, but a step down.  Then we put up our cots and the dining flys and tables.  Our camp is up on top of a ridge and from here you can nearly see where meals are provided without binoculars– it is about a 20 minute walk if you are walking pretty fast.  Reports are that fit bits all over camp are confused by the sudden new exercise regiments of some in our troop!  We now wonder why President Holtom didn’t manage to get us a little closer in….

We are told activities are open – but truth is that there are just a few open and little indication of which are and so some folks get in some high adventure and some return less pleased, except for their step counts which are ecstatic!

Fireside that nigh is sort of long – there are two speakers who do a fine job but after nearly an hour of that most of the boys are getting short on attention.  When the staff then starts skits the Priests bail almost instantaneously, while the rest of us endure a bit longer but not to the end.   We then enjoy the 1.4 mile walk back to camp. 

That is all for today.  Hopefully more adventure tomorrow!  Did I mention that Deacons are really young… I had forgotten.  Sorry I don't have more pics.  With so many different groups and everyone picking what they want to do, it is tough.  Fortunately, we have a number of leaders taking pics and hope to have a dropbox or similar where you can go look for them!

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