Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Day 3 – The longest day. Shortest blog?

We bid fond farewell to Pres. Holtom and to Bro Baker this morning.  Time off for good behavior I believe.  Bro. Evans is reading a book on addiction – says 40% of people ages 18-65 have some sort of internet addiction.  So we took the quiz.  No admitted addicts, but we are in the warning zone.  
Also turns out the average attention span of a human is now just 8 seconds.  By comparison, a goldfish is 9 seconds.  So…. This is what happens when the schedule changes and now you have little to nothing to do all morning.

Due to the lines and people being turned away after waiting for an hour or more, there was a new edict today.  Today the advancement kids got free time to go to activities and the adventure folks were to avoid those areas.  So that gave us not much to do for the morning.  I’m not sure what most of us did to be honest. 

However, this afternoon was good for the adventure guys as some got to mountain bike, bmx, canopy tour, and skateboard.  I think I also heard the advancement boys got to the rock wall.  So there was some serious high adventure this afternoon. 

After dinner tonight they held an “Appalachian Celebrachian” – there was a cook off (we did not participate) and games on the field (we did participate – and lets just say that after going down John Evans and I acted like the 2016 Cavs and stormed back for the victory).  It was pretty fun, then we went to the fireside with Brother Douglas D. Holmes – 1st Counselor in the YM General Presidency.  He talked about going mountain biking with his son and his troop and how they learned to do hard things.  And that our boys can do hard things as well.

Tonight they announced that tomorrow the leadership group is going white water rafting.  The also announced the adventure guys are headed to a big water park at a lake for 3 hours if they want.  Alternatively they can stay here and lines will be short so they can do what they want.  So there was much rejoicing.  I'm trying to gather more pictures but others have not been too forthcoming with those.  Sorry parents - don't shoot the messenger and yell at them to provide pics and I'll post a couple

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