Saturday, June 30, 2018

2018 High Adventure Epilogue


First and foremost, I wanted to thank Bro. Mitchell for taking the time out to be with the YM this week.  This trip could not have happened without him.  He didn’t have any of his own kids on this trip and took time away from his family in order to make High Adventure possible.  He took time away from his work and may have sacrificed a number of his vacation days to do so.  Please thank him when you see him. 

Secondly, I want to say thanks to the YM.  With every group of people, even in our own homes you will  But by and large, our camp didn’t have much of that. The YM were respectful of the leaders and to themselves.  Don’t get me wrong, there were no worries about translation of the group (a la City of Enoch), but they pitched in, lead out, and didn’t whine much.  It was a good.  I look forward to what these young men will do in life.
have diverse personalities, differences of opinion, and even some pettiness.

A few other thank yous – Thanks to the Bishop for spending a couple days with us given all that happens this week every year.  Thanks to my wife for helping us get ready to go.  Thanks to KPMG for giving me the time so that I could go with the YM this year and for many years past.  Thanks to the parents for doing all you do to raise fine YM as I understand it is a wild ride and one in which it is sometimes hard to determine the correct amounts of pasture and fence.  Thankful for those who planned the trip and executed it.  Thankful for the beautiful earth God created for us.

Till next time, as they say on Shark Tank, “I’m out.”


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