Thursday, June 28, 2018

Day 4 - this is camping

Day four - this is camping

I'm up late. I'm up first. It's a little before 7 as I leave my tent. I think about going over to the hammock/ground group and talking to them in a loud voice - like the ones they were using last night while I tried to sleep. But I'm my better self and don't.

Little more of that story. Last night - not sure why, but Spencer decided not to set up his tent. So Robert's hammock is supposed to be a double. Now, I'm far from a hammock expert, but I did spend quite a bit of time researching them before buying one for my son and most folks said buy the double as it gives you a little more room. But they generally also said, and I'm paraphrasing here - don't even think about trying to sleep two people in one. Fa-get-about-it. Well they tried. Eventually Spencer ended up sleeping on the ground below the stack and said he slept well - I can't refute it since he was asleep when I came out today.

It is a beautiful clear morning, just a bit crisp. Couldn't be much better. Everyone is slow to get going today given the last three days and the fact that the plan for today is... let's call it fluid. Folks excitedly eat their oatmeal. That's not so true - more like they are hungry so they eat what they have.

As that is going on, some folks have started to enjoy the creek. And by enjoy what I mean is they have realized there are living things in there and are devising things to capture them with. The first minnows are caught in a Tupperware that wasn't cleaned prior to dipping into the river - they apparently like oatmeal even more than the young men. A crawdad is then caught as well using some beef jerky as a lure inside a gallon ziplock fashioned by josh. Zac fashions A hook out of copper wire and dental floss and a fruity snack (blueberry) to complete a fishing tackle that doesn't find success unfortunately. Thomas, who was misnamed because he is showing the patience of Job and the persistence of (insert name here of very persistent person, my google doesn't work here) _______, holds a piece of jerky in his cupped hands with both legs up almost to his knees in the cold water and his arms in up past his elbows with his face nearly touching the water as the minnows come to nibble the beef and after several unsuccessful attempts, he succeeds in capturing a fish with nothing but his bare hands. I take a brief dip in the creek while bro Mitchell works on a stream crossing on the falls. And before you know it, it's lunch time. After lunch the three hikers (can you guess who they are?) decide to head up to small schloss to see what they can see. Our calculations are it's about a 6 mile trip and at least 1000 feet up. The other three head down to the reservoir where they plan to get into the "shower" at the bottom and then jump off the dam. As the three hikers leave they fortuitously see Bishop ford who has come to join us. That makes us happy - especially since he brought stake and treats. What a guy. The hikers help him bring his stuff to the camp and then they are off again.

The rest of us head to the dam. Gives us a chance to show off the trail handiwork off to bishop. Not much has happened at the reservoir apparently as everyone is still dry. That changes quickly as the leader leads and I can neither confirm nor deny a perfectly executed backflip by said leader.

We head for home and at camp Thomas has gathered up some wood and we begin making coals for the cooking.  The hikers return have been successful in summitting and having great pictures to prove it.  The route was a little shorter since they decided on a frontal assault and return by way of "careening" down the mountain full speed.  They have a few leg lacerations they present as proof.   

Bishop Ford battles smoke inhalation (for whatever reason, the smoke from the fire here seems to swirl quite a bit and most of the time blow towards the only split log bench they have here - I'm dropping the star number for the camp). He preps steak and chicken and even brought some left over bbq beef bishop lan had cooked for yw camp. It's all good and we all pack away as much as we can eat.  Tyler even eats a crawdad that was caught and cooked up.

At this point everyone wants to go to the reservoir so they load into bishop's truck and head out. Little chilly now, glad I'm not getting in! 

When they return we find more wood from a recently downed pine and lumber jack Tyler brings back what look similar to two by 12s. We have a roaring fire that I'm sure can be seen front the space station. Bishop Ford presents devotional and we have cheesecake with homemade strawberry jam on top. This isn't even camping, this is living!!


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