Saturday, June 25, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011
The rain in Maine falls gently on the lane…

Today all the youth apparently decided to spend their morning “free time” sleeping, so we didn’t get started until the bugle call at 9:30. I think that officially concludes the 8:00am study time experiment with a zero success rate.
The rain that showed up last night is expected to linger today and it is overcast and drizzling as breakfast finally ends after 10:30. It being cold outside the boys opt for the hot tub. However, the water is quite tepid as they get in but it is heating as they go. Despite the fact that many of the boys have not been in the lake since the first day (or possibly at all) they are now traipsing across the porch, across the lawn, through the wood path and over the dock to get to the lake where they climb, jump or slowly dip into the water with accompanying screams. The process is then repeated in reverse replacing screams with sighs as the warm hot tub water engulfs them.

There were rumors that it was a 12 person hot tub. If that is the case, it would need to be folks who are much smaller than our young men. It is pretty full with 8. But with the path to the lake resembling the path of ants to that cookie crumb there is typically enough room for those who want to be in. The downstairs sauna is then also turned on and some of the boys attempt to melt themselves.

While the weather is damp, it doesn’t dampen the mood, but maybe the enthusiasm. The bulk of the day passes as the boys occupy themselves with games of pool, air hockey, a game of settlers of catan, some reading, a movie and video games. There is a general desire to just hang out. Bro. Evans and I take the kayak over to an outlet on the far side of the pond. Bishop and Jeremiah take the canoe out.

After dinner we turned on the NBA draft to see who would take Jimmer. A large group watched Tangled after a week of discussing when that would take place. Devotional and then I head to be early – we decided to get everyone up at 5:30 with a goal to leave at 6:00. That means I need some sleep…

1 comment:

John said...

A wonderful time! Thanks for the travelogue and great experiences.