Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Day Two: We are in Maine, and it ain’t just the lobsters that are red…

Well, we didn’t start at 8. Most of us were up when Tuesday showed up so I slept in till 7. Wayne was up working when I got up. At 8:00 Matt was up and I think that was all. By 9 I think everyone was finally up. Our delicious breakfast of toaster waffles, sausage, hashbrowns and unnaturally florescent Tampico orange “juice” was lovingly prepared by Alex and Matt.

Once that was finished up we headed to the lake. Reid and Nick were in Bro. Linton’s art class out on the dock painting their landscapes in oil. The canoe and the paddle boat were used to carry the rest of the crew out to the “raft” where all newcomers were forced to walk the plank into the water which was cool but not near what the less than manly banshee screams of the crew might lead you to conclude. A few rousing rounds of king of the raft ensued with no clear winner (despite what nearly all of them might tell you). Then out of the corner of the eye came a flash. As the head turned to follow the blur we realized it was John Evans on an air mattress paddling across the water, but he wasn’t floating, he was skimming, hydroplaning even. The sheer strength of his arms creating such velocity as to leave one questioning how it was done without mechanized means. Josh attempted to cut him off at that pass (why you ask? Well, that is a long story, but long story made short, there was a smiley face on the air mattress which presence of said smiley was explained by Bro. Evans as “this was Meg’s air mattress which suddenly made the air mattress highly coveted) but sadly underestimated the angle which he should have attacked.

The young men were determined. They loaded into the “big boat” – which looked like it would do well with a motor on it. They had no motor. There was about as much meat in that boat as it would hold. And there were more people than oars so there were also a number of free loaders. The scene reminded me of that scene in Ben Hur and they were attempting “ramming speed” – unfortunately, they had no one whipping them to keep them in sync so rather than making a path encouraged by geometry (the shortest distance between two points is a straight line) they appeared to be on the windward leg of an America’s Cup race during a tacking duel. They attempted to rectify the issue by moving a couple folks but it still didn’t help much. Meanwhile, John had moved quite a way out into the lake. They continued to purse but John proved again that the craftiness of age can overcome the strength and determination of youth and managed to maneuver past them around a dock and make it back to shore well ahead of them.

He also knew that the while he had won the battle that that war was unfinished. He knew that when they reached the shore they would try to capture Meg. He knew he couldn’t let that happen. And so like any salty sea captain he scuttled his own boat before the attack so that when Austin leapt from the boat and captured the lass, although he was unaware, she was already letting out her air because John had twisted the plug just a bit so it would let out the air. By the time Austin realized he was on a doomed ship it was too late. Not only was it too late for him, but it was too late for Meg – you see, the wily captain had intended not to fully scuttle Meg, but only to temporarily incapacitate her but when Austin climbed on or during the ensuing moments, the plug somehow dislodged and fell into Davey Jones locker. An search party ensued but even with the shallow dept of the lake at that location, it wasn’t found. Given that there was a lot of bottom material floating in the water it would have taken a miracle at that point to find it. Search and rescue was deferred to a later date.

Lunch was sandwiches – lunch meat or PB&J with more fluorescent punch. I’m worried that night games will be a little less fun with the entire crew glowing. Also not to self – when there are some constraints on the amount of punch available, remember to buy smaller cups.
After lunch the crew headed out to the gridiron for a game of two hand touch football. I found it quite enjoyable. There are some really good athletes in the group and there are some who are less athletically gifted who also played and I think enjoyed the game in spite of that. I think everyone caught at least one pass and many caught TD passes or had other moments of glory with which they can regale their mothers upon their return.

Jared had become quite parched and requested a water break. Most of the Crew had headed for water but I was still out throwing the football around when I heard a very loud noise which I think included a scream from Reid. I didn’t have to get very close before I could see that a porch swing on the side of the house had fallen down. By the time I made it over to the house they had Austin sitting down and were applying pressure to his head wound. Of course, if you know anything about head wounds, they bleed a lot which made for a pretty spectacular photo as you can see. Once we got the blood to slow down we could see that he was most likely going to need a few staples to seal it up. Austin was his typical understated self calmly telling a family member on the phone that it didn’t even hurt and wasn’t a big deal. After a priesthood administration, Bros Janzen and Evans headed to the hospital (not far from Wal-Mart – apparently everything in this area sits in that general vicinity) with Austin and Alex who went along to keep Austin from suffering further trauma be being exposed to two adults in the car by himself (they might have broken out the Barry Manilow had Alex not been there). They returned a couple hours later and Austin has 4 staples to fix the about 1 inch gash in his head that no one will know is there until at some future time his hair begins it’s disappearing act and begins “male pattern baldness.”

As near as we can tell, there were three YM trying to get into the swing at that same time. Austin said it didn’t feel quite right and so he was trying to stand up when it gave way, which is probably what made him the highest object and therefore received the conk on the noggin. We were fortunate that no one else was hurt and that Austin had “merely a flesh wound.”
While they were gone, Bro. Linton painted a picture, video games were played, and some air hockey battles took place. The pinks were starting to show across the shoulders of many of the YM who either didn’t sunscreen or who didn’t sunscreen enough. The hue and cry for aloe vera sounded throughout the cabin.

We still had some free time before dinner so I looked around for a buddy to go swimming with but could find none until Bro. Evans returned and we returned to the lake. The water was clearer but lead to no further success in salvaging Meg. I think that us not being able to find and salvage the plug is portend to the boys that Meg is also out of their reach. Jacob and Alex attempted to claim the dock as their own but were thwarted in their efforts by Bro E and myself. Again, the sagacity of age over brawn of youth.

Reid and Nick cooked up some tasty chicken (I know it was tasty because 1) I had some and 2) there was none left) for dinner. After dinner most of us played a game of Ultimate Frisbee until those who hadn’t put on bug spray cried uncle and fled for the cabin having served as a very tasty meal for the mosquitoes in the area. A game of capture the flag then took place in the area behind the house since night games were scheduled even though at 9:15 it was still somewhat light. They came into the cabin a little before 10 indicating that there was no clear cut winner by having both teams simultaneously claiming victory.

It would appear that many of us are a little pink on the way to bed. Maybe that is how the lobsters do it. Ice cream for a snack and then closing devotional and bed. Our first full day of “high adventure” was a full day. I’m going to feel this day when I wake. The curse of age vs. the resiliency of youth….

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