Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Work hard, Play hard and leader rotation

The bugle call rang out at 8:30 this morning as Bro Evans did his nearly perfect rendition of Revele. Breakfast of bagels and yogurt. During morning free time Josh and Jared joined Brother Linton’s art class. The canoe (Reuben and Jeremiah) and kayak (Bro Evans – solo in a two man kayak. Wonder why he had no company? I might have enjoyed that trip), made a long trip around the lake. Jacob H., Jacob G. and Alex messed around on the paddle boat. Those who went into the lake enjoyed it but most did not get in this morning.

Lunch was uneventful (other than Reuben sustaining a cut from a tuna can – sorry, no horrendous photos of said incident today) and delicious.

After lunch we had our service project(s). We split into 3 groups. One group cleared the path to the lake and gathered some firewood for the campfire tonight – Jeremiah was on this team and had a strange glint in his eye (note foreshadowing). Another group was in charge of rearranging some decorative rocks – according to at least one member of the group the rocks in Maine have a higher density than rocks found in other parts of the country making moving a rock of seemingly manageable size instead a monumental task. The third group headed back up the driveway to transplant three pine trees and to beautify the front gate area by planting flowers and shrubs. I was with the third group and due to the long walk, I had to take the dune buggy up the hill. Well, and then we forgot some equipment so I had to take the buggy back down to get it and then back up to the work zone. Then I had to go get some soid we had forgotten and haul those supplies up to the group so I had to take the green Polaris up the hill. Then they needed another tool so I had to go back down and pick that up. Then they needed to go back down and re-do some work so I took two YM and the red Polaris down there. It may sound like I was just doing a lot of driving back and forth, but really I was just trying to do my part…I was in a meeting recently when the comment was made that one really shouldn’t underestimate the value of a really good “go-fer”. And the gopher was glad to be of service driving all the vehicles (I think the green on was the best).

Bro Linton and Bro Janzen wandered the grounds killing off plants, grass, and weeds that dared to grow in forbidden areas (such as rock paths). After he finished that job, Wayne was able to fulfill one of his lifelong dreams of being a grounds keeper when he got to drive the lawn tractor while pulling a seeder machine to put down some grass seed. For a minute I thought I was looking at Carl Spackler. Must have the sun in my eyes.

Bishop arrived at the lake via pontoon plane as afternoon free time was getting started (Ok, just kidding about his mode of transportation, but he did arrive). Bro Evans, myself and Jacob H. enjoyed a swim in the lake. Bishop joined us and then he and Jacob took the two man kayak out into the lake.

Austin fried some burgers up for everyone at dinner. Bro Evans kept us updated on the weather – the rains were anticipated to hit around 8:00 so we hustled everyone out for a game of football and then ultimate. It was a spirited game and I even think I may have heard some “trash talk” from the Bishop. We came in for water and on the TV the USA was playing a 0-0 Gold Cup soccer match against Panama. We watched from about the 60 minute mark. The USA scored on an amazing cross by Donovan to win 1-0.

Meanwhile, Jeremiah had gone out to start the fire for s’mores. Unfortunately, in what appeared to be a reaction to smoke inhalation, he apparently got "fire sickness." He was wearing a loin cloth and throwing all wooden objects he could locate into the fire despite its already raging flames. Ok, maybe it wasn’t a loin cloth, but he was shirtless and there was some sort of fire dance with flailing arms thrown in there. And I was concerned that he was about to start tearing up the deck for additional fuel. Eventually, his wood supply disappeared, his burning desire was satiated and the crew was able to make s’mores on the large pile of coals. As we neared 10, still no rain.

We gathered for devotional and Bishop pointed us to D&C 64:33 (“Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.”) while sharing with us some of his personal stories experiences in his life where the Lord had guided him. We then took a group picture. I hope to get one outside tomorrow afternoon.

Brother Linton leaves us early tomorrow. It has been fun to have him here. I have watched from a distance as he has discreetly made the rounds taking time to talk with each of the youth one on one and also in groups as he builds relationships with them. He has given the art bug to some and provided quarantine from that for some of them by providing an opportunity for them to work with his craft. We wish him safe travels home and a big thank you to his family for allowing him to take this time to be with these youth that he serves! His love and concern for these young men shows.

The rains came in around 10:30. I’m looking forward to bed….

1 comment:

Nanette said...

Love the news and the photo! Next time, can you make my son wear a shirt? :)