Friday, July 11, 2014

High Adventure - I assume

Friday, July 11, 2014

I know that most of you reading this are mostly doing so just because you find my pithy commentary so amusing.  Well, at least that is what I tell myself.  However, in those moments when I’m truly honest with myself, I know, its all about the pictures.  You couldn’t care less about my commentary, what you are hoping for is another picture of your son.  Unfortunately, loading pictures is a cumbersome process here at the ranch.  We also have 28 folks in our group this time which makes it hard for me to get pictures of everyone as we a scattered much farther apart then we are at Goshen.  And as you will see, today I got a lot done, but honestly, while I enjoy making these available to you, I’m here for some High Adventure not to be team and crew photographer.  So without further adieu…

We woke this morning to a thick fog but the promise of a warm day to come.  The night was actually perfect temperature wise as it was probably in the mid to low 60s.  Perfect sleeping weather, except for the one scout who for some reason didn’t get his sleeping bag out from Bro. Baker’s truck and slept on a cot with nothing else.  I know, if we had known we would have tried to help, but stuff happens and when we don’t know we can’t help.  Bro. Adams was nice enough to inform me that there is no hot water in the showers.  He informed me that that shower is way better to wake you up that a cup of coffee must be.

Revele played at 6am.  Taps plays at 10pm over the speakers.  It is better quality than a former bugler we have had, but it isn’t near as sentimental for me.  We walked over to breakfast at 7.  When I say we, it was Bro. Evans and I.  We did let them know we were going.  We ate a nice meal (other than the “margarine” infested grits or cream of wheat or whatever that was that neither John nor Jason ate despite their best efforts and even some hot sauce…  We took our sack lunches and headed back to camp to tell them what was up.  We informed them that breakfast was ending relatively shortly and they also needed to pick up their sack lunch or they would miss not just one but two meals today. 

We headed over to try to sign up for the canopy tour first thing, but they told us it was full until 11 and they had 3 slots.  We took those.  A large group from our team showed up after that and went over to check and got in at 9.  We went back over and got a 10.  We then did mountain biking.  We did the green trail and then the blue trail.  No one broke anything so a few scrapes and some adrenaline from almost flying off the course are all good things.  The one group then left to Canopy – that is a series of zip lines through the tops of trees.  It was very cool.

Everyone was spread out doing various things the rest of the morning.  A number of us showed up at camp to eat our lunch and at 12:30 we headed up to the zip line to be sure we got out spot.  Well, they decided to harness us all at the same time and not send us out in groups – which turned out to be highly inefficient.  Eventually we got to the top and enjoyed the ride.  A couple of us did that two more times.  Now, the rub here is once you are harnessed up and have your trolley in your back pack you have to hike UP to the starting point.  That deters a lot of scouts.  So a couple of us went 3 times. 

Now, after this point, I have little to no idea where most of the group was or what they were doing.  It was free time and they were free to do what they wanted. I can tell you that I wandered up to the skeet archery  spot and shot a whole lot of arrows and hit very little.  After which we moseyed (and by that I mean we loaded into Jeremy ‘s pick up and drove to) the water area and got to do the obstacle course.  For the record, the 5 old guy obliterated the priests group.  Twice.  6:05 – a new camp record for 5 people.  They didn’t have a 5 person record, but that is beside the point.  If you are wondering, the 4 person record was just under 4 minutes and the priests were close to 15 or 20 their first try.  Then we came back and had dinner.  And can I tell you how much I enjoyed just sitting and relaxing and eating for a while.  Ahh.  Ice cold lemonade and some pizza and salad.  Not bad.  And I got to eat while my son sat there so we caught up as well.  Once we finished some of us walked back over to the water front and did paddle boats (no, not the kind you pedal like a bike, the ones you stand on with a long paddle.  It was wet and fun.  Then we attended the stake fireside where the leader of the Scout Ranch spoke to us about being more like Christ.  It was very good I thought and not even all that long.   After we played a couple rounds of gaga ball (google it if you are interested).  And then made the long walk back to camp. 

So as I said, people did lots of stuff all day I assume.  I know I did.  And I didn’t take my camera to the water area so I have no pictures from there.  Maybe tomorrow I’ll try to get one or two.  After dinner I was sitting up on the Summit of Summit waiting for my phone to charge and watching folks head down the hill to the camp.  This trip wasn’t cheap, but as I watched the procession of our group head home, in groups of 3 or 2 or 4 – of kids who while friendly to each other probably don’t hang out with each other – walking back to camp discussing I truly have no idea what or want to know, I thought this is why we do this.  These memories, these times, they will have this shared experience they can hopefully remember and be able to know they have a friend.

I hope you see someone you love in a picture.  Assume they did what they most wanted to do and loved it.  They can correct that tomorrow if needs be.  Till then why think otherwise! 

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